Local 37 is very fortunate to have an abundance of members always willing and able to help one another — many of them serving as shop stewards. Recently a new group of stewards attended Shop Steward Training in Fredericton presented by Jim Watson, an International Representative from the Education Department, and Brian Matheson, an InternationalRepresentative supporting the Maritime provinces.
During the two-day training session, Jim and Brian shared experiences and information relevant to serving as an IBEW shop steward by facilitating great discussions, leading exercises centered around helping members in the workplace, and talking about ways to support and work with the business manager and Local 37 staff. The course also provided an opportunity for Local 37
Bus. Mgr. Ross Galbraith to cover important background on Local 37, including our history, structure, policies and bylaws, and collective agreements.
All of our shop stewards are incredibly genuine and generous with their willingness to help others and strengthen our union. They are truly “front line” representatives of Local 37 and serve as a vital link between the members, the union, and management.
Thank you to all for your hard work and dedication! – BM/FS Ross Galbraith, Local 37, Fredericton, NB